TravelCCM Logo  1.00.1
C++ Travel Customer Choice Model Library
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Make a new release


This document describes briefly the recommended procedure of releasing a new version of TravelCCM using a Linux development machine and the SourceForge project site.

The following steps are required to make a release of the distribution package.


Clone locally the full Git project:

cd ~
mkdir -p dev/sim
cd ~/dev/sim
git clone git:// travelccmgit
cd travelccmgit
git checkout trunk

Release branch maintenance

Switch to the release branch, on your local clone, and merge the latest updates from the trunk. Decide about the new version to be released.

cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit
git checkout releases
git merge trunk

Update the version in the various build system files, replacing the old version numbers by the correct ones:

vi CMakeLists.txt

Update the version, add some news in the NEWS file, add a change-log in the ChangeLog file and in the RPM specification files:

vi ChangeLog
vi travelccm.spec

Commit and publish the release branch

Commit the new release:

cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit
git add -A
git commit -m "[Release 0.5.0] Release of the 0.5.0 version of TravelCCM."
git push

Create source packages (tar-balls)

Create the distribution packages using the following command:

cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit
git checkout releases
rm -rf build && mkdir -p build
cd build
export INSTALL_BASEDIR=/home/user/dev/deliveries
 -DWITH_TravelCCM_PREFIX=${INSTALL_BASEDIR}/travelccm-stable \
 -DWITH_TravelCCM_PREFIX=${INSTALL_BASEDIR}/airinv-stable \
 -DWITH_TravelCCM_PREFIX=${INSTALL_BASEDIR}/simfqt-stable \
make check && make dist
make install

This will configure, compile and check the package. The output packages will be named, for instance, travelccm-0.5.0.tar.gz and travelccm-0.5.0.tar.bz2.

Upload the HTML documentation to SourceForge

In order to update the Web site files, either:

  • synchronise them with rsync and SSH: Upload the just generated HTML (and PDF) documentation onto the SourceForge Web site.
    cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit/build
    git checkout releases
    rsync -aiv ${INSTALL_BASEDIR}/travelccm-0.5.0/share/doc/travelccm-0.5.0/html/ \
    where -aiv options mean:
    • -a: archive/mirror mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H, -A, -X)
    • -v: increase verbosity
    • -i: output a change-summary for all updates
    • Note the trailing slashes (/) at the end of both the source and target directories. It means that the content of the source directory (doc/html), rather than the directory itself, has to be copied into the content of the target directory.
  • or use the SourceForge Shell service.

Generate the RPM packages

Optionally, generate the RPM package (for instance, for Fedora/RedHat):

cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit/build
git checkout releases
make dist

To perform this step, rpm-build, rpmlint and rpmdevtools have to be available on the system.

cp ../travelccm.spec ~/dev/packages/SPECS \
  && cp travelccm-0.5.0.tar.bz2 ~/dev/packages/SOURCES
cd ~/dev/packages/SPECS
rpmbuild -ba travelccm.spec
cd ~/dev/packages
rpmlint -i SPECS/travelccm.spec SRPMS/travelccm-0.5.0-1.fc16.src.rpm \
  RPMS/noarch/travelccm-* RPMS/i686/travelccm-*

Update distributed change log

Update the NEWS and ChangeLog files with appropriate information, including what has changed since the previous release. Then commit and push the changes into the TravelCCM's Git repository.

Create the binary package, including the documentation

Create the binary package, which includes HTML and PDF documentation, using the following command:

cd ~/dev/sim/travelccmgit/build
git checkout releases
make package

The output binary package will be named, for instance, travelccm-0.5.0-Linux.tar.bz2. That package contains both the HTML and PDF documentation. The binary package contains also the executables and shared libraries, as well as C++ header files, but all of those do not interest us for now.

Upload the files to SourceForge

Upload the distribution and documentation packages to the SourceForge server. Check SourceForge help page on uploading software.

Make a new post

Send an email on the announcement mailing-list

Finally, you should send an announcement to (see for the archives)